After six years of living in both Eastern and Western Jerusalem, where she trained in the Waldorf Teaching Training program and taught for two years, Manaar emigrated to Northern California in 2006. There she began to blossom as a teacher, healer, musician, and peace activist.
In 2015, Manaar escaped from the Valley Fire in Lake County, California, on a motor scooter. Soon after she formed a non-profit, Transformation by Fire, which works with residents in California, the West Coast, and online who have been affected by losses from fires and the global climate and health crises. Transformation by Fire assists people in rising from the ashes by healing their invisible wounds of trauma through healing workshops, circles, and retreats that used group sharing, meditation, breath-work, sacred music, sound therapy, gentle movement, tapping EFT, and community connections.
Manaar continues to offer healing circles and retreats using her soul music, alternative movement, and other holistic methods. Recently she started teaching medicine prayers on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube on Tuesday through Thursday mornings at 8:00 Pacific Time.
Manaar says,
“I express my gifts through a powerful transmission of synchronized magic with drumming, voice, and soul dancing as well drawing from my work as a Waldorf teacher. Through my drumming, tuning, and chanting you enter a live field, which provides energetic clearing for YOU and everyone else there. You will deepen your experience with guided meditation, drumming, singing, movement, dance, community, and connection. This is an invitation to birth yourself in the present moment, in the middle of what you are doing right now!!! I hold an energetic presence that reminds people how to choose a joyous alternative even in the moment of hardship.”
Energetically Manaar helps you dust off the old, so you can have a clearer vision. She invites the seeker to explore energy awareness, inner vibrational movements, and sound to naturally birth what wants to be set free within them. This helps you see in a new way, in a different way that you didn’t know existed before.
Manaar Azreik is a non-binary person who was born in the southern Israeli city of Be’er Sheva to Palestinian parents who are culturally Arab Christians. While personally, they were members of the upper class, they believed in atheistic communism.
Manaar and her identical twin sister Rim were raised as girls, but from a very early age, Manaar knew that she was a boy in a girl’s body. Manaar grew up in the confusion of a traditional culture that was also trying to cope with modern life.
Growing up bilingual in Arabic and Hebrew, Manaar started learning English in a Bedouin elementary school. She held the Israeli National Championship in her category for seven consecutive years.
Manaar was violated in three different ways. First was the Palestinian people’s occupation of their native land and their violation in the war of 1948, which led to her having to reconcile her identity and heritage as a modern Israeli. Second was the gender violation when her Middle Eastern family could not accept her as a transgender person. Third was her sexual violation by her third-grade teacher and the resulting trauma. All of these life experiences shaped Manaar and were the impetus for her to move forward as a healer.